About Valdez Painting Co.

About Us

Valdez Painting Co. is recognized as one of the premier painting companies in the industry. We understand that your home is your canvas for self-expression and a reflection of your style. That's why we are wholeheartedly committed to delivering services that exceed even the harshest critics' expectations.

Our team is a group of skilled professionals with an unwavering dedication to their craft. They bring artistry to every stroke of the brush and attention to every detail to ensure that the end result is nothing short of spectacular.

What truly sets us apart is our passion for customer satisfaction. We work closely with you every step of the way to ensure that the final product is not just great but precisely what you desire. Let's paint your dreams into reality together!


Our mission revolves around infusing artistry and excellence into every painting project. We aim to craft stunning beauty within homes and properties, all the while placing the utmost emphasis on customers' specific needs and requirements.

Valdez Painting Co. is a residential & commercial painting company in Amityville, New York, offering interior, exterior, house painting services, and more across Suffolk County and Nassau County.